Author Archive

Flashback: Harry Reid somehow has Romney tax return data


Obama’s Campaign was involved with White House meetings with the IRS:   Flashback: Harry Reid knew about Mitt Romney’s taxes during the campaign:   hmmmmm

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Universal Background Checks… settled by Supreme Court in ’97

After passage of the Brady Bill in 1993 (our previous assault weapons ban that didn't do anything), it was challenged in court.  Printz v. United States reached the Supreme Court and they delivered a ruling in 1997.  One item the Supreme Court struck down were federally mandated background checks: the provision...

Why universal background checks are unconstitutional

So the latest 'common sense' gun control policy being debated is universal background checks.  What's that?  Well, currently when you go to a gun shop you need to get a background check, but in some states it's legal to buy guns privately.  Most states limit personal sales to rifles only. ...

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AWB2013 is Unconstitutional – AR-15s are protected


Regardless of where you fall on the gun control debate, anything that is decided on and signed into law needs to be constitutional (well, should be at least), otherwise it will be challenged in court and overruled. Congress along with the rest of the country are voicing their opinions, pointing…

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Assault Weapon Ban of 2013 – bans shotguns and pistols?


Below is the official summary of the Assault Weapon Ban of 2013 1.  You’ll notice that it bans all semi-auto shotguns that have a pistol grip (AKA every home defense shotgun).  You’ll also notice they’re going after some semi-auto pistols just for how they look. UPDATE: the official language of…

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Romney knew about Mali, why didn’t you?


Remember when Mitt Romney said we should pay attention to Mali in the debates? With the Arab Spring, came a great deal of hope that there would be a change towards more moderation, and opportunity for greater participation on the part of women in public life, and in economic life…

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Are rifles really the problem?

In 2011 there were 12,664 murders in the US. 1694 murders from knives, 496 from bats and clubs, and 726 from hands, fists, and feet. The number of murders from all types of rifles, including 'assault rifles', was 323. Yes, there were 524% more murders from knives than rifles. We're...

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Bill to repeal presidential term limits


Rep. Jose Serrano introduced bill to repeal presidential term limits.  While this has little chance of getting the required 2/3 vote in the House, it probably has an even smaller chance of being ratified by the required 38 states. Text of the legislation is pretty simple: “The twenty-second article of…

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Breaking: Al-Jazeera buys Current TV from Al Gore

6c5eaeff5cd48000250f6a706700e2dc–finance.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter   photo:–finance.html

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Hypocrisy: The Journal News – Protecting themselves with guns

The Journal News is armed and dangerous: Flashback: posts map of gun owners...      

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Venezuela murder rate soars… FLASHBACK: Chavez bans guns to control crime (June ’12)


Venezuela murder rate soars:   Flashback: June 2012… Chavez bans guns…   Go figure       photo:

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International and domestic gun control statistics

In this article I will explain why claiming stricter gun control laws will lower crime rates is just as inaccurate as saying stricter gun control laws will allow crime rates to increase.  It's neither; gun control laws have no effect on crime rates.  I'll prove this through both international and...

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We don’t have a revenue problem…

we have a spending problem.  The media would lead you to believe if we end the Bush tax cuts for the rich, we'll avoid the fiscal cliff.  Raising the taxes on the 'rich' will bring in around $80 billion in new revenue... less than 20% of the fiscal cliff.  Just...

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